18 Out of 100 People

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders such as PTSD, panic attacks, phobias, and general anxiety disorder affect 18% of people in the U.S. each year, making them the most common mental health problems.

Anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder when overwhelming fear and worry prevent you from being able to live a normal life. Anxiety disorders can affect anyone and may begin at any age.

People with anxiety disorders are unable to control their own disturbing thoughts. They may start to avoid everyday situations that they fear will trigger more stress.

Anyone in Ventura County who has a question about mental health should seek help immediately, the same way you would ask for help when we have any other health question. If ignored and untreated, extreme anxiety can prevent you from being able to participate in daily life.

Worrying, Anxiety and When It’s Too Much

Everyone experiences worry in some way during daily life. You may feel understandably anxious as a reaction to ordinary urgent situations, for example, if you are running late for work. However, you may also feel anxious when you are worrying about something that may or may not happen, a threat that only exists in your imagination.

What is Bullying?

Many children experience bullying at school.

The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) defines bullying as “aggressive behavior that is intentional and involves an imbalance of power or strength.” The HRSA also states, “bullying prevention requires buy-in from teachers, parents and administrators.” A child must be supported at school and at home in order to be safe from bullying.

There are many ways one child can bully another and they are all harmful to the well-being of a child. Bullying includes constant teasing in a hurtful and unkind way, threats of violence, property damage, theft of money or valued possessions, and physical, verbal and psychological torment.

Bullying must be addressed as soon as parents are aware of it or it can cause serious psychological and developmental damage to a child. It can lead to a loss in self-esteem and, in the worst cases, bullying may cause so much distress that a child commits suicide. Children may not tell parents or school officials themselves if they are being bullied. It is important to watch your child for changes in behavior that are known signs of being bullied. If your child displays signs of anxiety or depression or changes in personality such as fear or sudden avoidance of social settings, talk to them as soon as possible to find out what is going on in their lives. Stay calm as you listen to your child. Empathize with your child and thank them for sharing their situation with you. The intervention of an adult can almost always stop bullying and prevent more serious harm. See Bullying Warning Signs and How to Help if Your Child is Being Bullied.

The cause of bullying may be that the bully is imitating aggressive behavior they experience at home from parents or siblings who exert authority through verbal and physical force, perpetuating a cycle of abuse. They may be imitating media violence or rough behavior they see on television, on the internet, or in video games. Bullies may be trying to show their dominance over weaker children in order to gain popularity or a sense of control at school. No matter the reason, bullying is wrong and cannot be stopped by the child alone. Adults must step in and protect a child if they are being bullied.

Bullying is also not good for the child perpetrating the behavior. See What if My Child is a Bully?

Click below to download the fotonovela "What can we do about bullying? José Luis's Story".

Say 'NO' to Bullying

If you think your child is being bullied, get help right away:

  • Tell a teacher, school administrator or counselor.
  • Encourage your children to talk to you.
  • Reach out to a community organization or other parents.

See resources at the Ventura County Office of Education.

Resources include Restorative Justice which holds students accountable for their actions and behavior while at the same time building a nurturing school environment.